a specific document for professional investors
h 100% NAV hedge
rh residual hedge
| Share class in My Funds
Data source fund data, documents, NAV/YTD: fund group
FE fundinfo Crown Rating enable investors to distinguish between funds that are strongly outperforming their benchmark and those that are not. The top 10% of funds will be awarded five FE fundinfo Crowns, the next 15% receiving four Crowns and each of the remaining three quartiles will be given three, two and one Crown(s) respectively. Rebalanced twice a year in January and July, the rating takes into account three key measurements to derive a fund’s performance: alpha, volatility and consistently strong performance. FE fundinfo Crown Rating are frequently used by professional advisers to screen for the best performing funds in a sector and at a factsheet level are used as part of an adviser’s paper trail to show thorough and rigorous research has been undertaken.
Data source "Subscription", "Redemption", "Subscription/Redemption Date": WM Datenservice; http://www.wmdaten.de
Data source "Lipper Rating for Consistent Return": Copyright Refinitiv: The Lipper Rating for Consistent Return identifies a fund that has provided relatively superior consistency and risk-adjusted returns when compared to a group of similar funds. Funds which achieve high ratings for Consistent Return may be the best fit for investors who value a fund's year-to-year consistency relative to other funds in a particular peer group. Investors are cautioned that some peer groups are inherently more volatile than others, and even Lipper Leaders for Consistent Return in the most volatile groups may not be well suited to shorter-term goals or less risk-tolerant investors. (keys 5 – 1, highest 5).
Data source "Citywire": Citywire Ratings and Citywire Rankings © and database right Citywire Financial Publishers Ltd.: Citywire fund manager ratings look at the risk-adjusted performance of the funds managed by the fund managers in the past three years. The ratings are based on the manager’s performance for retail investment funds from 40 investment categories. Management of several funds is taken into account. Citywire follows over 1,800 managers. Approximately ten per cent receive a Citywire rating (AAA, AA or A). Around one per cent of all managers are awarded the highest rating, i.e. AAA. The ranking process is purely quantitative.
Data source "Scope": Copyright – Scope Analysis GmbH: The analysts at Scope Analysis rate equity and bond funds quantitatively and qualitatively according to their history. The Scope Mutual Fund Ratings are based on a multidimensional rating model that includes an assessment of both performance (70% weighting) and risk criteria (30% weighting). New funds receive a quality rating only. As a fund’s track record grows, the qualitative criteria are complemented by quantitative data. After five years, Scope Analysis assesses management quality quantitatively only. Scope Analysis’ rating groups range from A ("very good") to E ("poor"). The abbreviation “ur” indicates that a fund is under review.